Steve Vincent-搜索结果

  • 月亮上的裸体 Space-Thing

    类型:喜剧片电影, 科幻片电影

    导演:Byron Mabe   编剧:Cosmo Politan

    主演:Karla Conway, Steve Vincent, Merci Montello

      Col. James Granilla is on a mission to learn about the Terranians and destroy their vessel. Terranians capture him, and he quickly blends in and gains their trust. In order to learn about them he ends up making love to their disgusting alien bodies (not so disgusting if you ask me).
      This film is pretty corny. It's not pornographic, just lots of nudity such as films of the time ...

  • 罗密欧朱丽叶的秘密生活 The Secret Sex Lives of Romeo and Juliet


    导演:Bethel Buckalew   编剧:Jim Macher

    主演:Mia Coco, Victoria Bond, Steve Vincent, Antoinette Maynard, Harvey Shain, William Rotsler, Dee Lockwood


  • 开车大屠杀 Drive in Massacre


    导演:Stu Segall   编剧:John F. Goff, George 'Buck' Flower

    主演:Goff, Steve Vincent, Douglas Gudbye


  • Her Odd Tastes

    类型:剧情片电影, 喜剧片电影, 爱情片电影, 冒险片电影

    导演:Donald A. Davis   编剧:Jerry Wilder

    主演:Marsha Jordan, Capri, Michael Perrotta, Sandra Wing, Steve Vincent, Bill Nelson, Byron Clark

  • Lila


    导演:William Rotsler   编剧:Sanford White

    主演:Lyn Armondo, Norton Halper, Judith Crane, Cheryl Trepton, Susan Stewart, Steve Vincent, James Brand,

  • 精子的吸盘 The Suckers


    导演:Stu Segall   编剧:Harold Lime

    主演:Richard Smedley, Laurie Rose, Steve Vincent

      一个有钱有势的狩猎高手厌倦了跟踪、猎 杀动物,突然想到个点子:邀请他认识的模特经纪公司的老板和他们的两个模特来他的庄园度周末,然后把他们当作他最新的狩猎对象~~